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Nu presenteras personifikationen av tidlös elegans och svenskt hantverkskunnande: Quantum Electrics rördrivna kondensatormikrofon av vintage-typ: Quantum Q24. Åtskillig möda har gått åt till att ta reda på varför klassiska rörmikrofoner uppvisar ett överlägset ljud jämfört med sina moderna motsvarigheter. De besitter en påtaglig närhet, fokus, och djup, med en markant avsaknad av hårdhet. Den centrala frågan har varit: Hur åstadkom de den här exceptionella kvaliteten? Quantum Electric tror sig nu ha uppnått något utöver det vanliga, som de vill dela med sig av till dem som uppskattar det här utsökta soundet. Det kommer garanterat få dig att le med hela ansiktet när du spelar in ditt klassiska album eller din film.
- Description: Vacuum Tube Condenser Microphone
- Capsule: Thiersch M7 custom made, PVC
- Polar Pattern: Cardioid
- Vacuum Tube: Military Grade Nuvistor
- Transformer: Lundhal Custom Transformer
- RFT output capacitor
- Power supply: Rugged metal enclosure, 230/115 volt, Binder and XLR Neutrik contacts
- Included: Shockmount and 7 meter Gotham multicable & Binder contacts
- Optional mount: Swivelmount with Gothham multicable & Binder contacts
Versatility is the hallmark of our microphone. Whether capturing the delicate nuances of string instruments, the soulful depth of a voice, the subtle ambience of a room, or the dynamic energy of percussive sounds, our microphone rises to the occasion, delivering stellar performance in every setting. Say goodbye to excessive compression in post-production and embrace the purity of your recordings. With less need for artificial manipulation, your audio retains its authenticity, allowing each element to shine with crystal-clear precision.
Quality components
We refuse to compromise on quality. Every component of our microphone is carefully selected and crafted to ensure the highest standards are met. From the premium materials used in its construction to the intricate design, no detail is overlooked. This is not just another clone; it’s a masterpiece in its own right, destined to stand out in a world inundated with imitations. It features a Swedish Lundahl transformer, a Thiersch M7 capsule, a NOS RFT output capacitor, and a military-grade Nuvistor tube. This microphone is a big deal because it shares the same component philosophy as the big, classic, vintage microphones from the 50s and 60s. Only the best materials are used to build a long-lasting microphone with superior sound quality. We are sure the Quantum Q24 will become legendary one day. That’s our promise for the future.